
Taking responsibility and acting sustainably is a natural part of Hermansson & Cos’s visions, and since 2014 our goal has been to concretise what it means for us in several perspectives; how sustainable we actually work, and in what parts we can improve. We learn and develop every day, especially in the relationship with our customers and suppliers. Many of our wine producers have been involved since we started in 1995 and our long relationship has created a close and open dialogue. Our vision to act sustainable is also an important parameter as we start collaborating with new producers.

Working conditions in the supply chain
As an importer to Systembolaget, Hermansson & Co has adopted Amfori BSCI’s Code of Conduct (Business Social Compliance Initiative). That implies that also our producers shall work in alignment with the Code that includes ensuring decent working conditions. We use the BSCI code as a framework in the dialogue with our suppliers regarding social responsibility. In risk countries, such as Italy, external audits are also performed to ensure compliance with the code. In high risk countries, such as South Africa, our ambition is to work with fair trade certified producers. Read more about Amfori BSCI

Read more about Amfori BSCI

Read about Fair Trade International

We want to facilitate whistleblowing
Hermansson & Co are keen to pick up early signs of potential operational problems or misconduct so that we can take immediate action to maintain our high standards. This involves signs from employees as well as suppliers, agents, customers and other business partners.
Our recommendation is always to try to speak to your supervisor or HR manager first, and for external parties to initiate an open dialogue with a senior representative at the Hermansson & Co. But if for some reason you wish to remain completely anonymous, the external Lantero reporting channel is there as an alternative.

What can be reported?
The system is primarily concerned with criminal acts*, but reports of breaches of internal guidelines or regulations, or inappropriate behaviour are all taken seriously and will be handled appropriately.
Examples include bribes, fraud, embezzlement, insider crimes, market manipulation, breach of trust, discrimination, harassment, neglect, child labour, and environmental crimes.

How does it work?
Disclosers complete a form at an external independent website set up by Lantero specifically for Hermansson & Co, but completely isolated from our network. An external and independent lawyer receives information, investigates cases and files recommendations to the management for action or further case handling. 
Investigators sometimes require additional information. All email addresses provided by disclosers are anonymized, which means investigators can contact them by email without either personal details or email address being visible to the investigators or anyone else.
After investigations are completed employees receive email summaries of how their cases were assessed. 
• Do not enter the reporting site from a corporate network.
• Do not use a company email address for feedback.

To file a report CLICK HERE.  

Climate Impact
In 2014 we started our climate work. We begun to map and measure all our carbon emissions, including emissions from transports and business travels. This gave us a knowledge to help us reduce our emissions, not least in cooperation with our distributors. We have also chosen to proactively compensate for all our emissions, electricity, business travels and all shipping for our range from manufacturer to hotels, restaurants and to Systembolaget.
Through an external climate consultant, Zeromission, we carbon compensate in a tree planting project; Plan Vivo project in Mexico, where improved knowledge about tree planting and gardening also lead to increased biological diversity and better soil that helps the local farming.

Read more about the Plan Vivo project “The tree that grows”


  • Since 2017, more than 95 percent of our sales volume is transported to our warehouse by train and boat transport.
  • Since 2018, we started recycle with Office recycling, which only has fossil free transports (electricity and biogas).Access to water is together with climate change some of our generation’s greatest environmental and societal challenges. Water is an important aspect also in many of the countries of our producers.

Water in the supply chain
We have chosen to approach the issue by joining a network together with other Swedish food and beverage companies, including Systembolaget. The network is coordinated by Swedish Water House at Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). Through participation we learn more about tools and methods that the global food and beverage industry uses to measure and handle water issues. We see this as a good basis for further discussions with our producers. 

Organic & vegan friendly wines
More and more consumers asks for both organic wines and vegan friendly wines. Several of our producers are currently working with vegan friendly methods and organic methods, but since the regulations and costs are extensive, some choose to refrain from certifying the products as organic or vegan.
Vegan wines means that no animal products have been used in the wine making. In order to make it easier to choose vegan friendly wines for those who ask for them, we have compiled a list of all vegan wines in our range.

See all our organic products HERE (list in swedish)

Read more about organic farming HERE.

See all our vegan friendly products HERE (list in swedish)

Responsible alcohol culture
Working with alcohol is a complex mission. In Sweden we are strictly regulated in terms of where and how the product may be sold, which create a good basis for responsibly product marketing. Hermansson & Co advocate a drinking culture where alcohol is consumed reasonably. Through our membership in Swedish Spirits and Wine Association (SVL), we finance school initiatives, created by SVL to inform about youths alcohol: “Talk about Alcohol” and “Drinkwise”. The purpose of the initiatives is to postpone the alcohol debut for young people, and to help them approach alcohol resposibly. Through SVL we also support the swedish alcohol industry’s own inspector (AGM) who monitors that companies in the industry keeps a high ethical level in all communication and follow market guidelines.

Read more about SVL